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Latest News and Releases

AxxessBio partners with Gennisium in the area of Neonatology

October 2020, Gennisium Pharma grants exclusive distribution rights to AxxessBio in Asia for Gencebok®.   Gencebok® (caffeine citrate) is indicated for the treatment of primary apnea of premature newborns. Caffeine citrate is the standard treatment for this conditon.   Apnea in preterm infants is common in babies born at less

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AxxessBio and Dipharma provide solutions for metabolic diseases

October 2020, an exclusive agreement has been signed between AxxessBio and Dipharma  SA for Sapropterin and Miglustat in selected countries in Asia. Sapropterin and Miglustat are medicines for rare metabolic diseases. Sapropterin is indicated for Phenylketonuria and BH4 Deficiency. Miglustat is indicated for Type 1 Gaucher Disease and Niemann-Pick C Disease.  

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Interested in Partnering Up?

At AxxessBio, we are continuously looking for partnerships to bring new innovative therapies for patients all around Asia